Friday, October 30, 2009


This blog is inspired by a post my friend put on her Facebook page. I won't say who it is but I will quote her. "I DESERVE...", if you look at the two words over and over again it really makes you think. What do I DESERVE? Of course everyone in their mind has their perfect answer, but to see the comments left on her post, it all makes sense. My friend who wrote that post deserves everything in this world that is wonderful. She deserves everything that she dreams of, works hard for and desires, why shouldn't she? Shouldn't everyone get what they deserve? Or should people settle with crumbs? I think everyone knows what I am talking about, crumbs, left overs, less than the best, the bottom of the barrel.
I recently without many people knowing pursued a guy who in actuality had nothing to offer me that was genuine. He wasn't willing to think of someones feeling other than himself, monopolized our conversations and wasn't willing to give, but was a willing taker. Being blinded by the physical, trying to compromise on what my needs and desires are, I forgot about what I truly deserved. When I finally got my head out of the clouds I realized, I don't deserve someone degrading me and talking down to me like I am less of a person or not respecting what I have to say or decisions that I make. I don't deserve someone that talks about themselves all the time and doesn't take the time out to realize that I am a wonderful person inside and out. DO I DESERVE THAT! Nope and neither does anyone else. Those are crumbs. I deserve someone who will listen to me without interrupting and someone who asks "what can I do for you?" So my beautiful friend with such a big heart and positive spirit, I send this out to you and all the woman who have so much to offer and share, don't settle for crumbs because you deserve nothing less than the world.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow!!! Who would've ever thought that I would inspire such a beautiful blog. I have been going through several challenges in the last 10 months and have been constantly transforming.

    I like you at 33, set back and don't want crumbs. After you posted this blog, a good friend of mine posted a comment on that status that has inspired me to know that basically like you said, the sky is the limit, but it's not in our time!

    Again this is absolutely beautiful!!!

    Mahalo nui loa :)
