Monday, October 26, 2009

Winds of Change

If you've read the book or seen the movie "The Secret", you might have heard the phrase "Laws of Attraction." Laws of Attraction may be interpreted in many ways due to an individuals perception. I actually use that phrase to help empower my friends and myself to change the course of our vision on life or the moment. My perception of the Laws of Attraction is that sub consciously we send off emotions that are negative or that don't correlate with what we are showing; sometimes though we may appear happy or content inside, we are not. The Secrets theory on "The Laws of Attraction" is what signals you send out in good conscience, are what you want to come to you. For example, losing a job, although very devastating for one person may be a blessing for another person. The loss of ones job now allows them to focus on another career path they might not have seen if they stayed at their former job. That is just the beginning, you have to believe mental and physically in what you want. By putting out positive energy in the way you react with people and purging the negative that might have surrounded you and your course, you send out signals. Signals that will influence other likes and desires like your own. If you want a particular job and you know that you are qualified and the right person for that job, be the job. Eat, Sleep and Dream that job; send out those positive mind, body and soul images to the world and show your dedication to what you truly want and deserve. You have to remain strong, positive and focused on your life goals and don't except anything less. If something crosses your path and it is not what you envision as a mainstay, get rid of it, because it might alter you L.O.A. toward a negative, less fulfilling and more challenging path. If you want the ball you have to be the ball! We as people were not created to be unhappy or without; we are given these obstacles in life to show ourselves that with love, hard work, mental and emotional strength we can change our course in life.

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