Friday, October 9, 2009

Who I am

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
Ambrose Redmoon

Finding who we are deep inside can take time, self awareness, an open mind and open heart. Expressing it and showing to the world takes a lot of courage. Do you show the world the true you? If you don't, why? Have we been programmed to fear criticism or welcome the false as oppose to the truth? I find that some people feel more safe in themselves lying to someone than being honest. If you are comfortable in your own skin, does it matter what someone says to you or how they judge you? I believe that strength in ones self is part of the foundation of our being. People who are negative within themselves will judge others with that same tongue and mind. Are they happy? I wouldn't think so. So do I continue on my path to life and maneuver around them life orange cones? Or do I approach them and find out if they need my assistance in finding a positive path for them to navigate. Help them look inside themselves to find the strong, confident being that was created to progress in life with hope and faith. Being courageous has to come from within, it can't be bought. However we can help teach and guide someone to be more courageous by being positive and show respect for each other.

The person I am today was built on determination to over look the negative that people said to me and about me. I let my haters be my motivators, because I don't deserve a negative spirit. We all need to look inside of us daily to confirm our strengths and appreciate all that we have accomplished in our inner beings. Also motivate ourselves for new goals and peaks to climb and conquer; lastly look around us at those who may need our guidance, love and help them. Lets not be selfish, use your strength to empower one another to live a full life of happiness and joy.

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