Thursday, October 22, 2009

To Give than to Receive

It's the age old question, is it better to give than to receive? Well I believe it is a matter of perception, actually that's not true. I firmly believe that it is better to give than to receive.
There are people in this world that are constantly giving, whether it be tangible items, services, or emotions. These people give, give, give and don't request anything in exchange. They basically give for self fulfillment. I watched a YouTube video on a guy who traveled around the world giving hugs for free. He would stand in the streets with a cardboard sign that said "Free Hugs". As you would think, some people gave him the stink eye, some people passed him by and some people actually stopped and accepted his free hug. Now is it so hard to accept a free hug from someone so giving? What about people that would give you water if you are thirsty, come fill your gas tank if it's empty, call you and ask you out to a movie and they pay.
Those are givers that are satisfied just by doing something out of their hearts for someone else.
On the other hand, there are the takers. People who ask, take, demand and want without any desire to return the favor. Those people take advantage of the givers and are very selfish. The receivers that take advantage of givers sometimes don't realize they are doing it, so my co-worker told me. Do these people think they are entitled?
However the act of giving is such a strong gesture and should be received with a kind heart and a show of gratitude, something so simple as a thank you or a return of the favor. If you return the favor, make sure it is a sign from your heart;because when the giver is making an offer to you, you can bet it is from their heart. So ask yourself, better yet, monitor yourself and see if you give more than you receive. I believe that everyday, at least once a day everyone should do one selfless act. If you see someone that dropped something pick it up for them, if someone asks you for directions, instead of point, show them; if someone just needs a hug, hug them and if someone looks like they are down, tell them something to make them smile. Lead by example and be a giver!

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