Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Girl at the Bar

When a girl walks into a bar, be it a sports bar, lounge etc and sits by herself;what do guys think? My intentions when I go into a bar is to either get out of the house, watch a sports game or to just drink in a public place and maybe have some good conversation if someone will talk to me. But what do guys think when they see a female sitting alone at the bar? As for yesterdays research piece I was to get all dolled up, make-up, brown sugar body splash, heels, tight jeans and my free drink shirt. I'll explain, I have this shirt I bought for my trip to German and Africa a year ago and the shirt reminds me of the blouse that women in Germany wear under their Lederhosen . Well since the purchase of this said shirt, ninety-nine percent of the time I wore it I got free drinks. Insert laugh now! So for my research piece about my free drink shirt, I hit up one of the most male gathered bars in Honolulu during Happy Hour, Mai Tais. I strolled up to the entrance with my cell in my hand, casing the seats at the bar as I got closer. Once I was in, I sat at the bar with my back facing the door(which I rarely do) and separated myself by one empty bar stool on each side. On each side of me where two separate groups of men. I ordered my first drink which happens to be the only drink I paid for and played on my cell phone for about 10 minutes. During my cell play I would casually look up at the tv, take big gulps of my beer and look around for my female competition basically see if any guys were looking. So after about 15 minutes no bites so I put down my cell and focused on my surroundings and the tv when the guy closest to me on my left gets off his bar stoo,l comes over to me and says " is that all your going to drink? Give this girl a pitcher" he says to the server then looks back at me and asked" Do you like Heineken?"
I answered yes and smiled really big because I just realized that once again my shirt got me a free drink, well a free pitcher! I thanked the guy, the server gave me my pitcher, I had her snap a photo of me and my pitcher for the article and there I sat. So after the pitcher guy left, a group of guys sat in his spot to the left of me and a solo guy occupied the stool to my right. It was not until my calamari came did the solo guy to my right speak to me, about 8 minutes after he sat. He inquired about my food and then our conversation moved to football and other sports. Lets interject some history here. I use to go to bars by myself along time ago and get pissed off, raging mad if a guy talked to me. Whether I was reading a book, listen to music on a headset or staring into space it was still unwanted conversation. Now that I am no longer a BITCH, I look forward to the conversations at the bar, well because guys think it's cool I watch a lot of sports and know stats and team quarterbacks names and stuff. So as I engaged in "sports talk" innocently with this guy, he starts saying " that's cute". What? Yep, he thinks that me talking sports is cute. Then it skips to me talking about how bizarre my roomie's dog looks when she pees, yes I actually demonstrated at the bar how the dog urinates. I did it classy though and he laughed and said" I like you." Whoa stop the bus now, if I wasn't doing this article I would have excused my Heineken saturated ass off the bar stool and sauntered to my car. So I thought to myself, ok slugger, he offered to buy you a beer now and I want to see how this goes, for "research sake". So I told him I was ready for my "last beer" and then I got the dreaded question, he said "I got invited to this "thing " tomorrow, do you want go?" Pause for reaction. In my head I was actually thinking about this guy that I like and really hoping bar stool guy didn't think I liked him just because I was cracking jokes and excepted his beer offering. How does he know I wasn't married or had a boyfriend? Why does it happen this way, now how do I buck this rider off? So I giggled and gazed at the tv as if it was super interesting and did not respond. I chugged my beer and yes I chugged it and motioned for my $8 tab, which gave him momentum to get his check and chug his beer too. As I get up from my bar stool so does he, he said I am leaving so I'll walk you. Why didn't I tell him I flew there on my broom and I valet parked it on the roof, SHIT! So I took the walk of shame toward the bars exit, not to my car with a guy that just asked me out in a bar. Ugh! I give him props for having the courage to ask me out because I know that asking a girl out, sometimes is hard to do. Readers let me tell you, I felt bad, but not real bad,I wasn't interested . Also I don't think that just because a girl sitting alone in a bar, she wants to be asked out. Sometimes we are there because we like to watch sports or just plain hang out. I don't get how it goes from a casual conversation to a "date" opportunity. I guess it doesn't hurt to try cause you just might get a yes.

1 comment:

  1. well done Sabri! good written!!! you're right!
    If I sit alone at the bar probably I want to be free at the bar, maybe joking with the barman/barwoman, maybe eating chips while my beer is coming empty, maybe waiting for something not-expected, maybe just playing with my mind and my lighter or just waiting for a good friend to laugh together at every single thing of this planet ...
    thank's Sabri!!!

    the Catalan girl!!! I’ll read you every time and I’ll try write you back my best … :)
