Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Todays Working or Non Working Youth

I remember my mom telling me when I was younger to be careful, you don't want to grow up too fast. I am 34 and in the work force with children. Yes, children. The kids that are working these days are so immature and think that they are tough and know it all. Some of them think that at 20, they have led a tough life. 20? Are you kidding me, you are still in diapers. These kids need to wise up because life might just get a little harder as they get older. Mommy and Daddy will not always be around to pick up the pieces for you, pay your bills or bail you out of jail.
Also some kids these days feel they are entitled to luxuries without working for them ie. Paris Hilton. Now Paris is making her own lane now, but before it was all given to her. Hello youth, your not going to be getting much so you better get to work and like it!

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