Monday, February 1, 2010

Change is Good

After a well deserved 4 week break, I am back to blogging. A lot of growth and change has happened in the last 4 weeks. Some of the highlights are purging negative and non influential people from my life, my need to seek a more challenging cooking job and moving into my own place.

If anyone knows me really well they realize that I am an ever changing person. I see new things and thrive to create possibilities. I have always been that way with my life and always will be that way. I reside in a State that, through my experiences, are not the biggest fans of change. I am all for if it's not broke don't fix it; but if we are constantly talking about the flawed education system, on going automobile traffic issues and employment troubles, than changes need to be made.

When other cities, states and countries are so advance and are changing to make improvements for a better life why isn't Hawaii? I am not going to continue on a rant to fix the numerous and various downfalls of this state because I am not a politician. However it is an example of how I have tweaked my course of life and how I will write the next chapter in my personal book.
I guess I am just tired of people complaining like they are victims of a life Voo Doo or something. I am not trying to be insensitive because we all have our ups and downs but I am true believer that like is what you make it. You hate your job or your not making enough money, move on. You don't like the relationships your in, be it friend or other, move on. Change is good, life is all about making the best of it.

So when you wake up each day or when you fall asleep thinking about all the errands you need to run, people you need to call or things you want or need; make sure that you adhere to them if that is what you desire. Go for what is in your heart and mind, and never settle.

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