Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rainy Day On Kauai

Today starts the 2nd week of my being unemployed, though I have a second job, that too at the present time is non-existant. It seems that the first week was flooding resumes, making calls and going to the beach. The beginning of the second week was filled with purging my house, gettting rid of useless clutter, organizing and cleaning. Now as I get to watch the tube, the economy problems have now been written into sit-coms ex. The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother. As if I am not living it why should an "escape from the real world" medium be used to remind me between the hours of 7-9pm? I have been out there looking for jobs all day and I get my fill of CNN, MSNBC and Fox News all the way to 10am, and when I am on the net the next hour. I am not sure if the sit-coms are used to show they relate to us or that hey lets all laugh about this so we can get through because the sit-com writers are dealing with the financial down-shift just like everyone else. Well hell, it worked, I watched, I laughed and I will watch again tonight.
Thank You writers everywhere, you are keeping me entertained and the homeless warm.

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